Yusuke Asakura's Portrait

Dr. Yusuke Asakura

Associate Professor

Department of Materials Process Engineering,
Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University, Japan

Group Leader

Function Integration Tecton,
JST-ERATO Yamauchi Materials Space-Tectonics
E-mail: asa.y@nagoya-u.jp

Date of Birth: February 28th, 1988 (born in US)

Education & Academic Background


Graduated from Department of Applied Chemistry, School of Science and Engineering, Waseda University


Master of Engineering, Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Advanced Science and Engineering, Waseda University (Prof. Kazuyuki Kuroda)


Doctor of Engineering, Department of Applied Chemistry, Faculty of Advanced Science and Engineering, Waseda University (Prof. Kazuyuki Kuroda)

Professional History

April 2013 - March 2015

Research Fellow of the Japan Society of Promotion Science

April 2015 - September 2016

Project Researcher, The University of Tokyo (Prof. Kazunari Domen)

October 2016 - January 2021

Assistant Professor, Tohoku University (Prof. Shu Yin)

February 2021 - March 2023

Researcher (Assistant Professor), Waseda University

April 2023 – August 2023

Designated Associate Professor, Nagoya University

February 2021 – present

Group Leader, JST-ERATO Yamauchi Materials Space-Tectonics (Prof. Yusuke Yamauchi)

September 2023 - present

Associate Professor, Nagoya University



Mizuno Award, Waseda University


Best PhD Thesis Award, 7th International Solvothermal and Hydrothermal Association Conference (ISHA2018)


Best Paper Award, Journal of Asian Ceramic Societies
Paper Award, The Clay Science Society of Japan
Presentation Award, 2019 International Conference on Nanospace Materials


APT Distinguished Paper Award, The Society of Powder Technology, Japan


Excellent Article Award, Journal of Materials Science & Technology
CerSJ Awards for advancements in ceramic science and technology, The Ceramic Society of Japan, Japan


The Ceramic Society of Japan (CerSJ) Award for Advancements in Ceramic Science and Technology

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